Created By
Jamie Xue
Oil and acrylic on canvas
Jonathan Thomson
Both “Faded II” and “Faded III” allude to the vast array of image manipulation technologies that are available to all of us on our smart phones. At the touch of a button we can apply filters that transform our photographs into something more vivid or monochrome, silvertone or noir. It is much more difficult to do that in paint. In the fifteenth century Renaissance the technique of grisaile - of executing a painting entirely in black-and-white and shades of grey - emerged as a way of blocking in shadows, highlights and contrasts before adding colour, and as a method of making a finished work of art. Xue uses it to great effect and in doing so invites us to study her work, and the effects of colour more closely.
這個系列我在創作中討論了關於對真實世界與虛擬現實之間的關係,畫面中的色彩與黑白是根據與不同性格和生活背景的人們眼中的世界所做的延伸,在此基礎上融合了電子設備故障時的亂碼元素。 在概念上突顯了文化與追求之間的矛盾,以及人類如何在當代社會生活中尋找自我認同。 In this series, I discussed the relationship between the real world and virtual reality. The colors in the pictures are an extension of the world in the perspectives of people with different personalities and life backgrounds, and integrated with Garbled elements when electronic devices malfunction. Conceptually it highlights the contradiction between culture and pursuit, and how humans find their own identity in contemporary social life.
Created By
Jamie Xue
30 x 80 cm | 12 x 31 in