Created By
Mizuki Nishiyama
Oil on Canvas
Jonathan Thomson
“He Begs Her For Mercy” may depict on figure kneeling at the feet of another in a gesture of submission or supplication, or it may be read as one performing oral sex on their partner. Painted in a much lighter and brighter colour scheme than most of her other work, it is vigorously rendered wet in wet with much scratching out and dragging of the paint with brush and knife.
What transpires from Nishiyama's production, is a sense of vulnerability, gentleness, and vitality that encompass the images. In her abstract-figurative subjects, there is a nakedness both physically and spiritually to the being, which erases socio political connotations. As a mixed-Japanese artist, Nishiyama draws inspiration from the East and West, bridging her Hong Kong, Japanese and Italian cultural heritages. 'He Begs for her Mercy' displays a strong feminine dialogue, reversing and reclaiming oppression. The knife cutting techniques slice through the fleshy tones, morphing the space and figures within a whirlwind of confusion and glory. The work approaches the stigma of menstruation in our society, analysing the dichotomy intrinsic in this functioning of the female body: painful and abjected while powerful and beautiful. Menstruation is a common theme in Nishiyama’s work. It is utterly a violent process within the womb; yet, in Japanese philosophies, it is an entity that embraces thestomach and strengthens the life force our mid sections represent. Head into womb, dressed in liquids of femme, 'He Begs Her For Mercy' consolidates strength, maternity, and femininity. Mizuki Nishiyama works with a wide variety of media, including oil, charcoal, ink and most recently sculpture and textile installation. The artist creates raw, vivid and multifaceted work that explores the fragile human condition, with a focus on the female body, the complexities of masculinity, love, lust and interpersonal relationships.
Created By
Mizuki Nishiyama
70 x 90 cm | 27 x 35 in
Wooden framed in dark brown