Created By
FourTin Yeung
Acrylic on canvas
Jonathan Thomson
“I want to do nothing” is at first glance a playful piece of graffiti but it has more psychological depth. The repetition of the title phrase suggests a dark descent into psychosis. This is not the do-nothing of a lazy indolent day on holiday in the sun somewhere, but an "I want to do nothing because I can’t even be motivated to get out of bed". The figure at the centre of the text, either passed out or paralysed into inaction, is a simple but effective illustration of her theme.
I want to do nothing… I want to do nothing… I want to do nothing… I want to do nothing… I want to do nothing… I want to do nothing…
Created By
FourTin Yeung
48 x 148 cm | 19 x 58 in