Created By
Luke Chapman
Looking at this work, one cannot help but recall Diane di Prima's revolutionary incantations, though JUM speaks in a visual language that is entirely her own. This is not just art history being made – it's art history being gloriously unmade and reconstructed. A remarkable achievement that demonstrates why the artist continues to be one of our most vital contemporary voices in feminist art discourse.
這件作品是我最新個展「罪魁禍首」的一部分慶祝女性的複雜性和美麗,面對和挑戰社會中女性自卑的傳統敘事。重新想像熟悉的伊甸園概念,這種重新解釋斷言第一個罪人的吃蘋果的行為不代表軟弱或被蛇引誘在夏娃的故事中,而是對她的權力和自由的大膽主張。經過展覽旨在慶祝這些主題,向女性和女性致敬。女性氣質,重塑敘事並強調力量和韌性以及女性體驗中固有的美。 「個體的瓦解」代表了這樣一個階段:在這裡,夏娃,代表所有女性,正在接受並讓自己融入其中伊甸園和她的真實本性和輝煌。
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91 x 61 cm | 36 x 24 in