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Ink on golden Xuan paper on wood
Luke Chapman
In the Moonlight Series, Hong Wai creates expansive works that evoke the serene beauty of a forest bathed in the soft glow of the moon. The delicate, labyrinthine lines sketched by the artist reveal the intricate textures of tree bark, transforming each canvas into a mesmerizing tapestry reminiscent of lacework. This enchanting interplay of forms and light invites viewers into a sanctuary of silent contemplation, where spiritual exploration meets the desire to transcend the limitations of existence. The misty darkness that envelops the scenes encourages nocturnal meditation, allowing the full depth of the Moonlight series to unfold as a reflection on nature's mysteries and the profound connections between the earthly and the ethereal. Through this series, Hong Wai invites us to embrace the quiet beauty of the night and consider our place within its vastness.
月光森林 系列大幅作品描繪了在黑暗中灑下金色月光的景象,並伴隨著朦朧的霧氣,營造出靜夜冥想的氛圍。洪慧運用細緻且錯綜複雜的線條,展現樹木表面的紋理和質感,交織的線條創造出複雜性和動態。大幅作品開啟了一個靜默沉思的空間,既涉及對靈性的追尋,也包含在有限性體驗中感受超越性存在的渴望。這正是洪慧《月光森林》整個作品的所在。
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95 x 60 cm | 37 x 24 in