Created By
Luke Chapman
In the Secret Boudoir — Vanitas Series, Hong Wai draws inspiration from the historical European Vanitas paintings, which emerged in the early 17th century in the Netherlands. This series features ink depictions of lace-adorned lingerie, high heels, perfume bottles, and skulls, each serving as symbolic elements that reflect themes of mortality, the passage of time, and the ephemeral nature of beauty and youth. While these objects may initially captivate the viewer, they ultimately prompt a deeper reflection on worldly desires and pleasures. Notably, this series was created in collaboration with the esteemed French brand Aubade, resulting in a unique Encre de Chine lingerie collection that combines Hong Wai’s art with French lace and Swiss embroidery techniques. This collaboration highlights Hong Wai's distinction as the only fine artist invited to partner with Aubade, alongside renowned haute couture designers.
今年,Aubade邀請水墨藝術家洪慧,共同努力重新定義藝術與女性內衣之間的界限,同時創造了將兩種文化聯繫在一起的內衣系列!洪意(Hong Wai). 1982年出生於上海,生長於澳門,畢業於國立台灣大學,現於法國國家高等社會科學院,修讀藝衍碩士。她以對當代藝術的詮釋而開名,其中最知名是中國水墨作品《秘密闺房系列》和《女性》系列。作品展現出女性不只擁有外在美,更大膽主張愛與精神的獨立訴求,精湛畫功讓人能感覺到女性性感之美。她注重細節,運用嫻熟技術為女性內衣赋予新生命。她的筆觸溫和柔順,讓她作品中的女性由線婚艷,散發著力量和活力。洪慧被授予全權主導,在刺绡和當絲上倒作花卉圖膽。它體現了茎個系列,此系列稱為水墨琉璃光(Encre de Chine).提供了她對「性感」的詮釋,並將她精湛的水墨藝術融入Aubade的DNA中。
Created By
95 x 60 cm | 37 x 24 in
50 x 50 cm