Created By
Yin Yung Sabrina Pun
Etching Print
This steel etching print resembles styles of Renaissance and Baroque frescoes which creates a paradox and an uncanniness of the integration of the unknown in modern eyes and our desire to uncover all. Inspired by personifying the invisible and imagining the unknown and unseeable, I explored such methods of fictioning, creating gods and mythology based on aspects that beings live on, from the ends of the universes to the fathoms of the planets' very cores. The 'formless' deities all represent different traits essential for survival and existence, counteracting one another yet also working together to create (for example, peace and chaos), ultimately, a balance that shroud dimensions and keeping everything in rightful order. This hints at the urgent need to re-establish balance between living beings and species, races and cultures, championing respect and compassion towards one another. Thus this represents a prophetic document for the modern people, for us to look into the constitution that shapes the past, present and future.
Created By
Yin Yung Sabrina Pun
48 x 18 cm | 19 x 7 in