Created By
加內姆·哈桑 (加尼姆·哈桑 (Ghanem Hassan)
Acrylic on Canvas
Luke Chapman
Ghanem's meditation on emotional artifice manifests through a masterful exploration of pattern and division, where the textural precision of reptilian scales becomes a metaphor for psychological armor. The technical execution, particularly in the meticulous rendering of the scale-like grid, creates a hypnotic rhythm interrupted by a singular, stark white divide – a technical achievement that speaks to both separation and containment. The work transcends its initial natural reference to become a sophisticated commentary on human disconnection. Ghanem's treatment of the divided space, with its consistent yet subtly irregular patterning on either side of the white breach, effectively materializes the artist's intention of exploring emotional distance within proximity. The verdant tonality of the piece adds a layer of irony – suggesting life and growth while actually depicting emotional calcification. Particularly compelling is how the rigid geometric structure creates a paradoxical sense of movement, suggesting the dynamic tension between authentic feeling and performed emotion that lies at the heart of the 'crocodile tears' metaphor.
Veiled Emotions 「概括了 」鱷魚淚 "的概念 - 比喻不真誠的情感。兩邊截然不同的部分可代表兩個人,儘管身體上接近,但情感上卻疏離。複雜的圖案讓人聯想到鱷魚的皮膚,象徵他們為了隱藏真實情感而維持的堅強外表。圖案中的每一個塊都代表著一段記憶,是他們共同過去的殘留。這些記憶就像鱷魚的鱗片,是他們曾經親密聯繫的殘餘。儘管情感斷裂,但這些記憶讓他們緊緊相連,創造出對人際關係複雜性的深刻評論。
Created By
加內姆·哈桑 (加尼姆·哈桑 (Ghanem Hassan)
100 x 100 cm | 39 x 39 in