Created By
Luke Chapman
Looking at this work, one cannot help but recall Diane di Prima's revolutionary incantations, though JUM speaks in a visual language that is entirely her own. This is not just art history being made – it's art history being gloriously unmade and reconstructed. A remarkable achievement that demonstrates why the artist continues to be one of our most vital contemporary voices in feminist art discourse.
这件作品是我最新个展“第一个罪人”的一部分,该展览颂扬女性的复杂性和美丽,面对和挑战社会上女性地位低下的传统观念。重新想象与伊甸园的概念不同,这种重新解释认为第一个罪人的吃苹果的行为并不是蛇软弱或诱惑的表现夏娃的故事,而是对她权力和自由的大胆宣示。为庆祝这些主题,该展览旨在向女性致敬,女性气质,重新审视叙事,强调力量和韧性以及女性体验中固有的美。 “个体的瓦解”代表着夏娃的阶段,代表所有女性,接受并让自己融入伊甸园及其本质和辉煌。
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91 x 61 cm | 36 x 24 in