Created By
Peisy Ting
Artbridger 策展人
"The Moment Of Existence I" by Peisy explores themes of self-awareness and presence. The painting's deep, swirling blues create an almost ethereal atmosphere, representing the mystery of existence. The composition captures the fleeting moment of realization, where consciousness and the subconscious intersect. Peisy's use of deep blues with a contrasting golden line creates a balance between mystery and clarity. The textural and compositional elements invite the viewer to engage in a journey of self-discovery, reflecting on the fleeting nature of existence and the moments that define it.
“人存在的每一刻,都在不断成长或退缩。人总是在不断活得更多或逐渐死去。”~ 诺曼·梅勒这幅迷人的作品灵感来自诺曼·梅勒的深刻话语,讲述了我们存在的每一刻都在经历的不断成长或衰落的过程。画布变成了一片充满鲜艳蓝色调的宇宙,像天体气流一样融合在一起。构图的空灵品质让观众沉浸在浩瀚的宇宙中,思考他们的人生旅程。两条界线穿过流动的蓝色,每一条都有其象征意义。一条明亮的金属金色线条引人注目,代表着塑造我们存在的成长和扩张的时刻。它以视觉方式提醒我们个人进化的内在潜力和伴随变革时期的辐射能量。相比之下,一条微妙的黑线在画布上划出路径,象征着我们不可避免地遇到的退缩或衰落的时刻。这条线承认了成长和衰落交织在存在结构中的现实,强调了生命的无常和用心把握每一刻的重要性。
Created By
Peisy Ting
153 x 76 cm | 60 x 30 in
4 cm | 2 in