Created By
Clinton Pang
Acrylic On Paper
Jonathan Thomson
In “Untitled” Pang conveys a sense of release as a stream of his characters flows down the canvas from a single source to form a smooth-sided concave shaped mound at the bottom. To me the flow of this work is downwards, a reading supported by the sweep of brush-marks around the stream near its apex, and by the downward motion of a line in red from left to right. However, an opposite reading is also possible in which the characters climb one on top of another from a wide base to support just a few at the pinnacle of the form. But to me this is not likely given the lightness of the form and the feeling of effortlessness that it conveys. It seems to suggest a single clear note, rising in pitch and building in intensity until it passes the boundaries of audible sound.
70 x 50 cm | 28 x 20 in
Wood framed in dark brown