Created By
定光琴 (Mediha Ting)
Luke Chapman
In Purple Mist (紫霞), Ting orchestrates a delicate balance between the tangible and the immaterial, conjuring a vision that oscillates between worlds. The butterflies serve as luminous protagonists—silent narrators navigating the shifting terrain of color and shadow, symbols of transformation and impermanence. The artist’s alchemical fusion of gold, blue, and violet echoes the spectral light of dawn breaking over an ancient city or the last glow of twilight reflecting off glass towers. This is not merely a meditation on beauty; it is a passage through time, a dream of nature interwoven with the fading architecture of memory. It hums with the pulse of something just beyond reach—a whisper, a shimmer, a flight.
Mediha Ting 的「我的蝴蝶系列」:「紫色氛圍」是一幅布面丙烯畫作品,其特點是筆觸動感,配色鮮豔,以紫色、金色和深色底色為基調,以紫色、金色和各種彩色調為主。作品以金色的大面積對角線筆觸為特色,與擴散的紫色區域相交,而較小的藍色、綠色和紅色顏料點綴在表面,營造出一種紋理感和動態。在下部區域,一簇層疊的紫色色調呈現出蝴蝶的形態,儘管是抽像地呈現的,並且暗示著一種變形的感覺,而不是精確的表現。
Created By
定光琴 (Mediha Ting)
96 x 70 cm | 38 x 28 in