Honjo, a Japanese restaurant known for its inventive flavors and tranquil atmosphere, is teaming up with Artbridger to reimagine the dining experience.
Through this collaboration, Honjo’s refined spaces will come alive with curated contemporary art, creating a seamless fusion of culinary artistry and visual creativity. Guests can savor exquisite Japanese dishes while immersing themselves in a rotating collection of works from diverse artists. By blending food and art, Honjo and Artbridger craft a dining journey that’s as inspiring as it is memorable.
Showcasing 4 captivating artworks from 4 talented artists, the Artbridger x Honjo exhibition showcases Genie Hui, Yi Nuo Li, Peisy Ting, Curtis Chan, Kaki So.
About the Collection
Honjo Collection
Showcasing 8 captivating artworks from 5 talented artists, the Artbridger x Honjo exhibition showcases Genie Hui, Yi Nuo Li, Peisy Ting, Curtis Chan, Kaki So.