Artbridger 在香港 Soho House 的首次駐留展覽展示了為期八週的密集創作之旅的成果。選定的新興藝術家在專用工作室空間和專業指導的支持下,展現出反映個人藝術成長和集體創新的作品。此次展覽體現了多元藝術實踐之間的活躍對話,並在 Soho House 創意社區的獨特環境中得到了培育。參觀者將體驗當代藝術的新視角,同時透過 Artbridger 的全球平台支持新興人才開創他們的職業生涯。

香港Soho House的駐村和展覽是培養新興藝術人才的重要時刻。經過八週的密集學習,選定的藝術家在專門的工作室空間內進行創作,並得到專業指導和創作津貼的支持。展覽呈現了這段轉型時期的成果,展示了突破界限、探索新藝術領域的作品。

在整個駐留期間,這些藝術家都沉浸在 Soho House 充滿活力的社區中,並參與研討會、藝術家講座和合作計畫。這種豐富的跨文化對話和創造性交流環境培養了他們工作中的新視角和新方法。最終的展覽不僅反映了個人的藝術歷程,也反映了 Artbridger 計畫所體現的集體創新精神。

身為新興人才的發射台,這次展覽不僅是一次展示,更是通往全球藝術市場的大門。精選作品將透過 Artbridger 的線上畫廊購買,將這些藝術家與世界各地的收藏家和藝術愛好者聯繫起來。此次展覽體現了 Artbridger 支持藝術發展的承諾,同時在新興藝術家和更廣泛的藝術社區之間架起橋樑。

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Public opening day 1st March, 12-6pm

12:30 - 1:00 pm

1. Opening Seminar: “No way to be good” HONG Wai

Led by: HONG Wai and Professor LEI Chin Pang

Focus: Cantonese popular culture and bridging Eastern and Western artistic traditions

1:30 - 2 pm

2. Residency introduction: “The True Value of Art”

Curated by: Franco Savadori

Focus: Showcasing works from the 19th century masters, emphasizing the dialogue between contemporary practices and historical influences, introducing the residency artists with a focus on Hong Kong’s prestigious talent, William Tong.

2:30 - 3 pm

3. Masterclass: Innovative Techniques in Mixed Media, Contemporary Ink and Digital Art

Led by: Mediha Ting

Focus: Exploring themes of cultural identity, displacement, and global perspectives

12th March, 12-2pm

4. Seminar: Navigating the Asian Art Scene

Led by: Francesco Lietti

Focus: Insights from projects and the artist’s career including details about Lietti’s successful practices in Asian metropolises and an introduction to the artist’s works on display in association with Novalis Art and Design. During the residency, as part of his mentorship, Lietti will be painting a canvas from his earlier series “Colors of Asia” that will be on display during the residency exhibition.

17th March, 12-2pm

5. Workshop: African Contemporary Art in Context

Led by: Lee Garakara, Mwimibi Fine Art

Focus: Diving into the depths of the African aesthetics with a presentation of South African contemporary artist Fumani Maluleke

19th March, 12-2pm

6. Performance: Maria Marshall and Sophia the humanoid robot

Led by: Maria Marshall

Focus: Performance Painting with Machine Learning. Exploring the intersection of human consciousness and AI in artistic processes presented by Artbridger x Hanson Robotics with Maria Marshall and in association with Dr Gustavo Medina Tanco from UNAM

Public closing day 21 March, 12-6pm (Art week)

21st March, 12:30 - 1:30 pm

9. Closing Exhibition: “No way to be good” HONG Wai

Led by: HONG Wai and Professor LEI Chin Pang

Focus: Cantonese popular culture and bridging Eastern and Western artistic traditions

21st March, 2 - 3 pm

10. Residency Closing: “The True Value of Art”

Curated by: Franco Savadori

Focus: Showcasing works from the 19th century masters, emphasizing the dialogue between contemporary practices and historical influences, introducing the residency artists with a focus on Hong Kong’s prestigious talent, William Tong.

21st March, 4 - 5 pm

11. Masterclass: Innovative Techniques in Mixed Media, Contemporary Ink and Digital Art

Led by: Mediha Ting

Focus: Exploring themes of cultural identity, displacement, and global perspectives




